Sinking Floor Repairs in Sacramento Area & East Bay

Your Local Experts in Sagging Floor Repairs

A solid foundation is the bedrock of any structure. It ensures the stability and longevity of your home. However, over time, various factors can compromise the integrity of a foundation, leading to issues like sinking floors. Recognizing the signs and understanding the solutions is crucial for homeowners. In this article, we’ll delve into the problems associated with sinking floor foundations and the remedies available.

Signs of Sinking Floor Foundation

sinking sloping floor

5 Common Signs of a Sinking Floor Foundation

  1. Uneven Floors: One of the most noticeable signs is when you feel a slope or dip as you walk across a room.
  2. Cracks in Walls: These often appear around doorframes and windows, indicating that the foundation is shifting.
  3. Doors and Windows Sticking: If you’re having difficulty opening or closing doors and windows, it might be due to a sinking foundation.
  4. Visible Gaps: Spaces might appear between the wall and the floor or ceiling.
  5. Bouncy or Spongy Floors: This sensation can feel as if you’re walking on a trampoline.

Why Do Floor Foundations Sink?

Several factors can contribute to a sinking floor foundation:


  • Soil Issues: The type of soil and its compaction can play a significant role. Expansive clay soils can expand when wet and contract when dry, leading to movement.
  • Excessive Moisture: Poor drainage or plumbing leaks can soften the soil beneath the foundation, causing it to sink.
  • Poor Construction: Inadequate soil compaction during construction can lead to settling over time.
  • Tree Roots: Large tree roots can draw moisture from the soil, causing it to contract and the foundation to sink.

The Importance of Addressing Sinking Floor Foundations

  • Safety Concerns: Sinking floors can create tripping hazards and compromise the structural stability of the entire building.
  • Property Value: A damaged foundation can drastically reduce the market value of your home.
  • Further Damage: Ignoring the problem can lead to more extensive and costly repairs down the line.
  • Peace of Mind: Addressing foundation issues ensures the safety and stability of your home.

Our Sinking Floor Solutions and Repairs

Solutions to Sinking Floor Foundations

  1. Foundation Piers: These are deep-driven into the ground to stabilize and potentially lift the foundation back to its original position.
  2. Slab Jacking: This involves pumping a special mixture beneath the slab, raising it to its original level.
  3. Subfloor Supports: This method strengthens the floor from below to prevent further sinking.
  4. Comprehensive Assessments: Before any repair work begins, it’s essential to have a thorough inspection to determine the root cause and recommend the best solution.

A sinking floor foundation is not just an aesthetic concern; it’s a structural one. It’s essential to recognize the signs early and seek professional help. With the right solutions, homeowners can restore the integrity of their foundation, ensuring the safety and longevity of their homes. If you suspect your home may have foundation issues, don’t delay—consult with a foundation repair specialist to assess and address the problem.

Contact us today for sinking floor repairs.